How to Use useContext in Class Components in React?

 React's Context API provides a way to pass data and functions to components without having to pass them through props manually. The introduction of the useContext hook in React 16.8 made it even more convenient for functional components to access and consume context. However, what if you have a class component in your project and want to leverage the benefits of useContext? In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore how to use useContext in class components in React. We'll cover the following topics:

Understanding Context in React

What Is Context?

In React, context provides a way to share values like themes, authentication status, or language preferences between components without having to pass the data explicitly through props at every level. It's especially useful for data that needs to be accessible by many components at different nesting levels in the component tree.

The createContext Function

Context is created using the createContext function, which returns two components: a Provider and a Consumer. The Provider component is used to wrap the part of the component tree where you want to share the context, while the Consumer component is used to access the context's value.

Using useContext in Functional Components

How useContext Works

The useContext hook in functional components allows you to access the value provided by the nearest Context.Provider component in the component tree.

Consuming Context in Functional Components

Here's a simple example of how to use useContext in a functional component:

import React, { useContext } from 'react';

// Create a context

const MyContext = React.createContext();

// Wrap the part of the component tree where you want to provide the context

function App() {

  const contextValue = 'Hello, Context!';


  return (

    <MyContext.Provider value={contextValue}>

      <ChildComponent />




// Consume the context in a child component

function ChildComponent() {

  const contextData = useContext(MyContext);


  return <div>{contextData}</div>;


In this example, ChildComponent consumes the value provided by the MyContext.Provider component using useContext.


Challenges with Class Components

Limitations of Class Components

While class components have been the traditional way of building React applications, they have some limitations and complexities compared to functional components with hooks. For example:

  1. Boilerplate code: Class components require more code for setup and lifecycle management.
  2. Readability: Class components can be less concise and more challenging to read, especially when dealing with lifecycle methods.
  3. State management: Managing state in class components involves using the this keyword and can be error-prone.

Why Use Class Components?

Despite these challenges, class components are still prevalent in many existing React codebases. Transitioning from class components to functional components is a significant undertaking, and in some cases, it may not be practical to do so. Therefore, it's essential to know how to work with context in class components effectively.

Using useContext in Class Components

The Context.Consumer Component

To use useContext in class components, you can leverage the Context.Consumer component provided by React's context API. Here's how you can do it:

import React from 'react';

// Create a context

const MyContext = React.createContext();

// Wrap the part of the component tree where you want to provide the context

class App extends React.Component {

  render() {

    const contextValue = 'Hello, Context!';


    return (

      <MyContext.Provider value={contextValue}>

        <ChildComponent />





// Consume the context in a child component using Context.Consumer

class ChildComponent extends React.Component {

  render() {

    return (


        {(contextData) => <div>{contextData}</div>}





In this example, the ChildComponent class consumes the context value using the MyContext.Consumer component. The MyContext.Consumer component takes a function as its child, which receives the context value as its argument.

Creating a Higher-Order Component (HOC)

Another approach to using useContext in class components is to create a higher-order component (HOC) that wraps the class component and provides the context value as a prop. Here's an example:

import React from 'react';

// Create a context

const MyContext = React.createContext();

// Wrap the part of the component tree where you want to provide the context

class App extends React.Component {

  render() {

    const contextValue = 'Hello, Context!';


    return (

      <MyContext.Provider value={contextValue}>

        <ChildComponentWithContext />





// Create a higher-order component (HOC) that consumes the context

function withMyContext(Component) {

  return function WrappedComponent(props) {

    return (


        {(contextData) => <Component {...props} myContext={contextData} />}





// Consume the context value in a class component using the HOC

class ChildComponent extends React.Component {

  render() {

    return <div>{this.props.myContext}</div>;



// Wrap the class component with the HOC

const ChildComponentWithContext = withMyContext(ChildComponent);

In this example, we create a higher-order component called withMyContext that consumes the context value using MyContext.Consumer and passes it as a prop to the wrapped component.

Real-World Example: Using useContext in a Class Component

Let's explore a real-world example where we use useContext in a class component. Imagine you're building a shopping cart component, and you want to display the number of items in the cart, which is stored in a context.

import React from 'react';

// Create a context for the shopping cart

const CartContext = React.createContext();

// Wrap the part of the component tree where you want to provide the context

class App extends React.Component {

  constructor(props) {


    // Initialize the cart state

    this.state = {

      cartItems: 0,



  // Function to update the cart items

  updateCartItems = (count) => {

    this.setState({ cartItems: count });


  render() {

    // Pass the cart items count and the update function to the provider value

    const cartContextValue = {

      cartItems: this.state.cartItems,

      updateCartItems: this.updateCartItems,


    return (

      <CartContext.Provider value={cartContextValue}>

        <Header />

        <ProductList />





// Consume the context in a class component

class Header extends React.Component {

  static contextType = CartContext;

  render() {

    const { cartItems } = this.context;

    return (


        <h1>Shopping Cart</h1>

        <p>: {cartItems}</p>





// ProductList component, which updates the cart items

class ProductList extends React.Component {

  static contextType = CartContext;

  handleAddToCart = () => {

    const { updateCartItems } = this.context;

    // Simulate adding an item to the cart

    updateCartItems(this.context.cartItems + 1);


  render() {

    return (


        <h2>Product List</h2>

        <button onClick={this.handleAddToCart}>Add to Cart</button>





In this example, we have an App class component that provides the shopping cart context. The Header and ProductList class components consume the context using the static contextType property.

The Header component displays the number of items in the cart, and the ProductList component provides a button to simulate adding items to the cart. When the button is clicked, it calls the updateCartItems function from the context to update the cart items count.

Best Practices for Using useContext in Class Components

  1. Combining Class and Functional Components: In a real-world application, you might have a mix of class and functional components. When using useContext in class components, consider creating functional components that wrap the class components and provide the context value as a prop, as demonstrated in the HOC example.
  2. Maintaining Code Consistency: If you have both class and functional components that need access to the same context, consider using a consistent approach throughout your application. Whether you choose to use the Context.Consumer component or create a HOC, maintaining code consistency makes your codebase more readable and maintainable.


In conclusion, while class components in React have been largely replaced by functional components with hooks, there are situations where you might still need to work with class components, especially in existing codebases. The introduction of the useContext hook has made it easier to consume context in functional components, and you can still use context in class components effectively.

Understanding how to use React Context in class components is a valuable skill for React developers, as it allows you to work with both class and functional components within the same project. By following the examples and best practices in this guide, you can harness the power of context and useContext to build more flexible and maintainable React applications.

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