Building a Robust Pagination Component in React.js

 In the world of web development, user interfaces play a pivotal role in creating a seamless user experience. One common UI element that frequently appears in web applications is pagination. Whether you're dealing with a long list of articles, a vast collection of products, or any data set that needs to be divided into manageable chunks, a well-designed pagination component is essential.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll dive deep into building a robust pagination component in Reactjs. We'll cover the fundamental concepts, design principles, and best practices to create a versatile and efficient pagination system for your React applications.

What is Pagination?

Pagination is a user interface pattern used to break down large data sets or content into smaller, more manageable chunks, typically displayed one page at a time. It's a crucial feature for enhancing the usability of websites and applications by reducing the cognitive load on users and improving overall performance.

Common use cases for pagination include:

  1. Displaying search results: When a user searches for something on a website or app, the results are often paginated to prevent overwhelming the user with too much information at once.
  2. Product listings: In e-commerce applications, product listings are often paginated to make it easier for users to browse through a large inventory.
  3. Blog post archives: On a blog or news website, older posts are often paginated to make it easier for users to access content from different time periods.
  4. Comments section: In the comments section of an article or social media platform, comments are typically paginated to improve readability and load times.

Why Build a Custom Pagination Component?

While there are many pre-built pagination libraries available for React, building a custom pagination component offers several advantages:

  • Tailored to your needs: A custom component allows you to design pagination exactly as per your application's requirements. You have full control over its appearance and behavior.
  • Optimized performance: By building it yourself, you can optimize performance based on your application's specific use case, ensuring smooth and efficient pagination.
  • Learning experience: Building a pagination component from scratch is a great learning opportunity. You'll gain a deeper understanding of React and front-end development in general.

Now that we understand the importance of pagination and why building a custom component is beneficial, let's dive into the steps to create a robust pagination component in React.js.

Setting Up Your React Project

Before we start building the pagination component, you'll need a React project. If you don't already have one, you can set it up using Create React App. Once your project is ready, you can proceed with the following steps.

Defining the Pagination Component

To create a pagination component, we'll first define its basic structure. In this example, we'll create a functional component named Pagination that accepts some essential props:

import React from 'react';

const Pagination = ({ currentPage, totalPages, onPageChange }) => {

  return (

    <div className="pagination">

      {/* Pagination content will go here */}




export default Pagination;

Let's break down the props:

  • currentPage: The current active page.
  • totalPages: The total number of pages.
  • onPageChange: A callback function that will be called when the user selects a new page.

Pagination Design and Styling

The appearance of your pagination component largely depends on your application's design. However, here's a simple example of how you can structure the pagination using CSS classes for styling:

<div className="pagination">


    className={`pagination-button ${currentPage === 1 && 'disabled'}`}

    onClick={() => onPageChange(currentPage - 1)}

    disabled={currentPage === 1}




  <span className="pagination-status">

    Page {currentPage} of {totalPages}



    className={`pagination-button ${currentPage === totalPages && 'disabled'}`}

    onClick={() => onPageChange(currentPage + 1)}

    disabled={currentPage === totalPages}





In this example, we have a "Previous" button, a status indicator, and a "Next" button. We conditionally apply the 'disabled' class and disable the buttons when the user is on the first or last page to prevent them from navigating beyond the bounds.

You can enhance the styling and design based on your application's CSS framework or custom styles.

Implementing Pagination Logic

Now, let's add the pagination logic to our component. We need to calculate the range of pages to display and handle page changes. We'll use the currentPage and totalPages props to determine the range of pages to display.

import React from 'react';

const Pagination = ({ currentPage, totalPages, onPageChange }) => {

  const range = (start, end) => {

    return Array.from({ length: end - start + 1 }, (_, i) => start + i);


  const getPageNumbers = () => {

    const delta = 2;

    const left = currentPage - delta;

    const right = currentPage + delta + 1;

    const rangeSize = delta * 2 + 1;

    let pages = [];

    if (totalPages <= rangeSize) {

      pages = range(1, totalPages);

    } else if (currentPage <= left) {

      pages = range(1, rangeSize);

    } else if (currentPage >= right) {

      pages = range(totalPages - rangeSize + 1, totalPages);

    } else {

      pages = range(currentPage - delta, currentPage + delta);


    return pages;


  const pages = getPageNumbers();

  return (

    <div className="pagination">


        className={`pagination-button ${currentPage === 1 && 'disabled'}`}

        onClick={() => onPageChange(currentPage - 1)}

        disabled={currentPage === 1}




      { => (



          className={`pagination-button ${currentPage === page && 'active'}`}

          onClick={() => onPageChange(page)}






        className={`pagination-button ${currentPage === totalPages && 'disabled'}`}

        onClick={() => onPageChange(currentPage + 1)}

        disabled={currentPage === totalPages}







export default Pagination;

In this code:

  • We define a range function to generate an array of numbers within a given range.
  • The getPageNumbers function calculates the range of page numbers to display based on the current page and the total number of pages. It ensures that the displayed page numbers are within a reasonable range around the current page, with a fixed delta value of 2.
  • We map through the pages array to render the page buttons. The active class is applied to the button corresponding to the current page.
  • We handle page navigation by calling the onPageChange callback with the new page number when a button is clicked. We also disable the "Previous" and "Next" buttons when appropriate.

Using the Pagination Component

Now that our Pagination component is ready, let's see how we can use it in our application.

import React, { useState } from 'react';

import Pagination from './Pagination';

const App = () => {

  const [currentPage, setCurrentPage] = useState(1);

  const totalPages = 10; // Replace with the total number of pages in your data set

  const handlePageChange = (newPage) => {


    // You can also fetch and update your data here based on the new page


  return (

    <div className="App">

      {/* Your data rendering goes here */}









export default App;

In this example:

  • We maintain the currentPage state using the useState hook.
  • The totalPages variable should be replaced with the actual total number of pages in your data set.
  • The handlePageChange function updates the currentPage state when a page is clicked. You can also use this function to fetch and update your data based on the selected page.
  • With this setup, your pagination component is ready to use in your React application. It provides a user-friendly interface for navigating through large data sets efficiently.

Styling and Customization

The styling of the pagination component can be further customized to match your application's design. You can define CSS classes and use CSS preprocessors like SCSS or CSS-in-JS libraries like styled-components for more advanced styling.

Here's an example of how you can define CSS classes to style the pagination component:

/* pagination.css */

.pagination {

  display: flex;

  justify-content: center;

  align-items: center;

  margin-top: 20px;


.pagination-button {

  background-color: #007bff;

  color: #fff;

  border: none;

  border-radius: 4px;

  padding: 5px 10px;

  margin: 0 2px;

  cursor: pointer;

} {

  background-color: #0056b3;


.pagination-button.disabled {

  background-color: #ccc;

  cursor: not-allowed;


.pagination-status {

  margin: 0 10px;

  font-weight: bold;


Don't forget to import your CSS file in your component or application to apply the styles.

Testing and Accessibility

Testing is an essential part of building any React component, including pagination. You can use testing libraries like Jest and React Testing Library to write unit tests for your pagination component.

Additionally, ensure that your pagination component is accessible to all users, including those who rely on screen readers or keyboard navigation. Use semantic HTML elements and provide appropriate ARIA attributes to enhance accessibility.


In this guide, we've walked through the process of building a robust pagination component in React.js. We covered the essential steps, from defining the component structure to implementing pagination logic and styling.

Remember that the pagination in React we've built here is a basic example. You can further enhance it by adding additional features such as custom page sizes, a "Go to Page" input field, or even server-side pagination for handling large datasets efficiently.

By creating a custom pagination component tailored to your application's needs, you'll provide users with a more intuitive and efficient way to navigate through your content, ultimately improving their overall experience.

As you venture into building React applications, you may find the need for reliable service providers who specialize in React development to support your projects. One such reputable service provider is CronJ. CronJ is a well-established ReactJS development company in India with a strong track record in providing React development services.


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